Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Few Days in Venice

(We are now officially more than one year behind on our blog. The following post is still of the summer before last [2013] European tour)

We flew on the shortest plane ride I've ever had to travel from Roma to Venezia. Seriously, we took off, reached cruising altitude and then almost immediately started our decent for landing.

We had had quite a trip so far and there was still plenty more to come!

We started up in London, made our way to Paris,
then Barcelona, Rome and now Venice
We arrived in Venice pretty late in the evening. We rode a bus from the Marco Polo Airport to the center of the city. There are tons of bridges everywhere. It's easiest to get around by the boat-bus or by using your two feet.

 A huge orange moon lit up the city and bounced off the water. It was beautiful. Unfortunately, the beauty was coupled with the stress of still not knowing where the hotel was located. Finding our hotel proved to be an immense feat. They said it was a "hop, skip and a jump away." That may be true if you also intend on swimming about a kilometer or two! The hotel, Casa Martini, didn't write us back with directions so we had to wing it. We looked it up on the ipad, but the location turned out to be completely wrong. I had to give up on the map and find the place by using the description of the hotel. The website said, "Casa Martini’s balconies overlook Rio TerĂ  San Leonardo, a street filled with stores and the colorful stands of the fruit market and enveloped in the lively atmosphere of the most authentic Venice" And that's how I found it.... by finding that stupid fruit market! What a pain!!!  It turned out to be down this tiny "street" that we walked past about 10 times without knowing.  That "street" was barely wide enough for us both to walk side-by-side.

It felt great to dump our bags on the floor in our room. We were so tired from walking back and forth down the same streets while carrying all of our stuff. We passed out right away so we would have plenty of energy for the next day.

A side note: The guy that worked there was totally rude... don't stay at Casa Martini if you are in Venice. That first night I fantasized about killing him and dumping his body in the canal.... but I digress.

Venezia is hot. I mean really hot. There are those communal fountains everywhere that are always flowing cool  potable water for anyone that wants it. We used them everyday to stay hydrated. 

Venezia is beautiful, and the bridges are amazing! We got lots of pictures :)

Going to send some postcards

Narrow streets

One of many bridges

Street... waterway... what's the difference.
I guess people never jaywalk here :)

Gondola captain

These are the sports cars of Venezia

I learned that Venice is famous for a couple of things other than the waterways: Venetian Glass and Venetian Masks. We spent hours looking at shops with masks and glass. We were worried that the masks would break, so we didn't buy any. However, we did get Jenni a few pieces of Venetian glass... which I also learned is actually Murano glass; the names are synonymous.

Street Music

The police made this kid put on a shirt.

We stopped for some delicious treats throughout....

This deli we stopped in reminded Jenni of
going to the deli counter with Pete all the
time when she was little :)
Fresh fruit from the market

On the water-bus

Cross under the Rialto Bridge

We made our way to Ponte Dell'Accademia which is famous for being a Love-Lock bridge.

Of course we put our own love lock on it :)
Maybe one day we will go back and check on it!

Afterwards, we tossed the keys into the river for safe-keeping ;)

A music rehearsal

Street vendor selling grasshopper made from grass

Jenni did some more shopping and ended up with some nice Italian shoes....
I still hate shopping for clothes :)

We traveled across the whole city to find this :)

Piazza San Marco

It was pretty crazy.... We were walking down a narrow street and then, all of the sudden we see this! It came out of nowhere.

More pictures of our love-lock

It says, "Jenni loves Johnny" on one side and "1 year anniversary" on the other side.


The fruit market

Taking a break from the sun beating down on me

Star BJJ in Venice, Italy :)

I love free, clean water!

Some people were throwing stuff from one building to the other... through the windows :)

Headed out to a new adventure...
Exhausted at the airport

Now we are ready for Greece!

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