Monday, September 2, 2013

Thailand Spring Break

Over spring break we went to Thailand... I know, I know.... We are just now posting about it, but better late than never.

We want this post to mostly be pictures with some captions, so here's a synopsis of the trip: We started in Bangkok with our friends, Marilyn and Stan. Then, they took off to Koh Tao, a tropical island, while we explored Bangkok a few days. Later, we met up again in Koh Tao, then split up again, and headed back to Bangkok before flying back to Hanoi together. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah... here are the pics:

A pretty lady standing in front of some Asian thingy at our hotel

At the Pintsman (The best hamburgers I'd had since moving to Asia!)

Bangkok looks a lot like every other city at times

Public transit in Bangkok was pretty easy to figure out

We thought that was a big Buddha until we went into the temples

Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha, Buddha...

Everything's Zen :)

Now that's a Big Buddha!

It was at least 3 or 4 stories high

:) Respect for Ronald

I have this thing with taking pictures of Coke cans written in different languages :)
Maybe I get it from my Grandma Marotto :)

TOURIST!!!! :)

Most of you that know Jenni know that she would never eat street food... right...?

Wrong!!!! She liked it. Thailand had some of the best fried chicken we have ever had :)

Jenni loved this graffiti piece

Howard!!! This pic is for you, bro! You could just reach down and scoop the catfish out with a net!

Up to this point, Bangkok was absolutely the hottest place I had ever been to in my life!

Getting on a bus to Koh Tao

Koh Tao

Jenni on the beach

We found a place with great Mexican food ;)

What am supposed to do with this, exactly?

Koh Tao full moon party! The fire thrower guys were pretty impressive


This reminded me of my hermano, Mario... he knows why ;)

Sunset on the roof of our hotel

Jenni's favorite phrase while in Thailand was, "How much Baht do you got?"

Koh Tao means "Turtle Island" hence the giant concrete turtle :)

Oooo la la

Lounging in paradise

our view

Who needs chairs? Just sit on a pillow, and fall asleep after you eat. That's what I did :)

Someone found a chess board :)

I ordered a strawberry shake and I got this thing!

I almost didn't want to eat it, because it was so beautiful!
But I ate anyway, and it was delicious :P

More lounging. We were waiting for the rain to die down so we could ride again.

There is a coral reef down there

We went snorkeling

We get to watch Muay Thai fights live in Thailand?... Are you serious?
My wife sure knows exactly how to spoil me :)

The fights were probably my favorite part about Thailand... a
close second would be the food.

At first we felt bad watching kids fight, but the crowd treated
them just like the adults.... and they were pretty good

Winner by knockout! This is the fight Howard watched with us
on Skype.

It's pretty amazing that while we were on some tropical island in Thailand, we called our friend, Howard, in Plano, Texas and let him watch live Muay Thai fights with the camera on our cell phone! I love technology :)

The crowd was as exciting as the fight. Everyone was going crazy
yelling for the fighters. It was a unique experience.

The fighters are doing their traditional dance thing before the fights.
I didn't know about that before today. And they always play
the same music. I think they play the music during the fight too.

Little Thai guy vs Bigger White guy.... who do you think won?

You probably guessed it... Little Thai guy destroyed Bigger White guy
with brutal leg kicks. The white guy could hardly walk out of the ring at
the end of the last round.

After the fight night, we traveled back up to Bangkok the next day.

We arrived at our hotel in a Tuk Tuk.

What a trip! We saw so many amazing things that I didn't explain. Our trip down to Koh Tao was quite the story, and riding through the mountains was intense. We also went snorkeling in a coral reef, the silk and the food, oh my God, the food!  We could write tons about the Bangkok temples and streets. And Bangkok at night was insane, weird, exciting, fun, gross, scary and just about every other adjective you can think of. If you want to know more, you'll just have to ask us in person. We are way too far behind on this blog to write everything.

We love you guys!